Test of Semantic Colour Differential –TCSD, 1st part, version for adults:

The test was introduced at the III. European Congress in Tampere primarily as a psychometric method, that is based on its compatibility with other psychologic methods and lead specialists towards determining diagnosis according to established methods and clichés and it pointed at different possibilities for using in practice. In 1992 our cooperation with the other two co-authors came to an end as Vadim Scepichin died and Gargi Jana Scepichin could not see TCSD having the capacity to develop further.

Test of Semantic Colour Differential –TCSD, 2nd part, version for adults – X. European Congress in Prague:

I worked on the deepening of the unconscious part of person´s personality, on determining an individual´s energetic potential that has a fundamental influence on his ability to “carry out his plans and wishes” and on estimating an individual´s possibilites for the future. Today it is possible to gauge the health condition of a population, as the unconscious captures information monitoring the conditions of an organism much earlier before a person begins to feel the symptoms of an illness that are diagnosable by medical apparati. At the same time it is possible to predict the chances of recovery.

TCSD can be used to estimate the amount of danger certain people pose for society and also to estimate their chances for rehabilitation. It is possible to determine an individual´s success during his or her rehabilitation via educational training, and to help start his or her professional carrier. This technique allows us to work both with individiduals and with groups. TCSD is irreplaceable in family terapy.

TCSD is transcultural. We all understand the words and colours used in the test, even though we must admit that different nations have different notions concerning their importance. For example everybody comprehends such notions as mother and father, however, for different societies these words have different importance. This depends on the situation in which the given society finds itself in. This test works with unconsciousness and the roots of collective unconsciousness are very deep indeed.

TCSD is dircted at an individual so his or her individiality is not lost. Each individual is shaped up by himself or herself and the proband´s expressed conscious as well as unconscious attitude is direct. The test preserves the autonomy of each individual and it doesn´t commit the “main questionnaire fault” of presenting “the numerous whole means more than individual parts” as “the majority guarantees functionality”. However, in order for functionality to have well-founded existence it demands “inovation”, which always comes to existence as a certain particularity. TCSD is capable of capturing the main preferences of a group, as well as capturing the quality of an individual.

In TCSD it is the proband who sets up his or her own main evaluative criteria, a fact that presents a rarity among other psychological tests. He or she sets upt the most important principles that the computer uses for evaluating the test. And because unconscious evaluation is preferred, which however is often consciously blocked by the proband, the overall preview of the problematic situation is easier and he or she is capable of changing his or her attituted faster.

In terms of its wide possibilities for the work with the unconscious, thanks to its connection with culture and traditions, the spectrum of use of TCSD is enormously vast. For the analyses of big sociological groups directed at mapping out human resources, the TCSD is also a great help.