Why does TCSD consist of two parts? It is not usual for psychological tests.

TCSD, part I. was presented at the III. European Psychological Congress in Tampere in 1994. It deals with the principles of the test, it explains the use of the colour scale and the words used therein and its classification in the among other psychiatric diagnosis. Part II. Of TCSD was presented at the X. European Psychological Congress in Prague in 2007. It treats in greater details relationships, prediction of a client´s progress, "the lie score", the new theory and its model, and the uniting connections and differences among sociological groups. Unfortunately, a wide-scale sociological research is still waiting to be carried out to support the test by providing statistically important data.

Who can work with TCSD?

TCSD belongs in the hands of experts - psychologists, sociologists, or possibly psychiatrists.

Who can be tested by TCSD?

With TCSD /version for adults/ clients from about the age 13 to 14 years old can be tested. It depends only on whether or not they comprehend the terms used in the test. Clients affected by autism, physically handicapped clients, or clients recovering after an operation - wherever their prognosis can be determined, can all be also tested. TCSD provides valid information even though the client does not for whatever reasons complete it.

It seems to me that when I do the test one day, its interpretation could be different from that which I would receive from you had I taken the test for example a week later or at some other time. Can you explain this?

Provided that nothing extraordinary happens in your life - that is, you don´t change your bonds towards other people and your social environment - the interpretation shall be identical. Should your life change, then of course the interpretation shall be different.

Can the test be used for big sociological groups?

Yes, and it is absolutely very rich in information. Today, I would be enormously interested in such a big sociological research. I believe that in this respect the TCSD is really unique.